Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 15minutes
Chiffon cake (Honey cheese sauce chiffon cake) | Recipe transcription by MoLaLa Cook
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- Cream cheese : 50g
- milk : 50g
- とうもろこし油 : 40g
- 薄力粉 : 60g
- 卵黄 : 3個
- 卵白 : 3個
- レモン汁 : 2g
- 塩 : 0.5g
- 砂糖 : 50g
- スライスチーズ : 2枚
- 無塩バター : 40g
- ホイップクリーム : 45g
- 蜂蜜 : 20g
Time required
Make the cake batter
Place cream cheese in a bowl and heat in the microwave.
Mix with a whisk.
Add milk and mix.
Put the corn oil in a separate bowl and heat it in the microwave to 50 degrees.
Sift the flour into the corn oil and mix with a whisk.
Add the mixed cream cheese and milk and mix.
Add the egg yolks and mix.
Add lemon juice and salt to the egg whites and beat with a hand mixer. After 3 minutes, add sugar and mix to make meringue.
Add the meringue to the batter and mix with a whisk.
Switch to a spatula and mix. -
Pour 1 into the mold.
Prepare the surface.
Bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes.
Remove and drop the mold to release the heat.
Invert and cool. -
Making the Sauce
Place the sliced cheese, unsalted butter, whipped cream, and honey in a saucepan and heat until melted.
Cool in cold water (not included in the recipe). -
Remove 2 from the mold.
Indent the surface with your hands.
Apply 3.
Bake in a 200 degree oven for 8 to 10 minutes.
Finish by searing the surface with a burner.
・Recipe for chiffon cake with honey cheese sauce.
・Keep the egg whites in the refrigerator.
-Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
・It's best to eat it while it's hot after it's done.
・A mold with a height of 6cm is used.
syun cooking Time required : 10minutes
Bakuba Cook Time required : 20minutes
syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
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