Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 30minutes
Lemon cake | sweets kitchen's recipe transcription
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- Unsalted butter : 160g
- sugar : 150g
- egg : Three
- Cake flour : 180g
- Baking powder : 1/2 teaspoon
- Lemon juice : 80㏄
- (A) Powdered sugar : Appropriate amount
- (A) Lemon juice : Appropriate amount
- Montpiel : as you like
- pistachio : as you like
Time required
Make the dough
Loosen the butter that has been returned to room temperature with a whisk.
Add sugar in 3 portions and mix well each time.
Add the beaten egg in 3 portions and mix well each time.
Add the cake flour and baking powder in 3 portions and mix gently.
Add lemon juice with some powderiness remaining. Mix until familiar. -
Put in a mold and bake in the oven
Add the dough until about the 8th minute of the mold.
Drop it about twice and remove the air.
Bake in an oven warmed to 160 ° C for 30 minutes. -
When it is baked, cool it and remove it from the mold.
Pass it through the icing mixed with (A) and place it on a cooking sheet.
You can also put chopped lemon peel or pistachio on it.
・ By using plenty of lemon juice, you can make a cake with a luxurious lemon scent and sourness.
・ The texture and gentle sweetness of the icing that wraps the moist cake is delicious.
・ When adding beaten eggs, add them separately so that they do not separate, and combine them little by little.
・ The dough swells when baked, so it is best to add it until about the 8th minute of the mold.
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