Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 25minutes
Nanban Steak | Kottaso Recipe's recipe transcription
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- Chicken thigh : About 900g
- Pork loin : About 700g
- Green chili : 4-5
- Garlic : 3 pieces
- Sesame oil (for green pepper) : a little
- (A) Jiuqu miso : 4 tbsp
- (A) White miso : 3 tbsp
- (A) Liquor : 2 tablespoons
- (A) Mirin : 1 tablespoon
- (A) Soy sauce : 2 tablespoons
- (A) Sugar : 1 tablespoon
- Sesame oil (for baking) : Appropriate amount
Time required
Prepare green pepper
Remove the calyx of the green pepper and chop it into small pieces. Put sesame oil, green pepper and coarsely chopped garlic in a hot frying pan and fry over low heat. When the scent comes out, turn off the heat.
Make Nanban miso
Add (A) and stir-fried green pepper and mix.
Put pork loin in a bowl and sprinkle with nanban miso evenly. Put chicken thighs in a bowl and add them in the same way. Put it in a storage bag and soak it for about a day.
Add sesame oil to a heated frying pan, cover the chicken thighs that have been returned to room temperature over medium heat, and bake for about 3 minutes. Bake pork loin over medium heat. Turn the pork over when it gets browned, and serve it on a plate when the whole is cooked. After 3 minutes, return the chicken, cover it again and bake. When it becomes brown, remove the lid, turn the skin side down, and bake on low heat until cooked. After baking, cut into bite-sized pieces and serve on a plate.
If you prefer spicy green peppers, you can use regular peppers or doubanjiang instead.
For authentic Nanban miso, it is better to fry in a frying pan until the water is gone.
It is also delicious when attached to grilled rice balls.
You can make a lot and store it frozen.
Pickled meat can be frozen, but it should be wrapped individually.
When baking, remove as much pickled sauce as possible before baking.
The time required for soaking is not included in the required time.
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