George George / Jojiro ch's person Time required : 20minutes
Raw chocolate tart | Hamorebi Kitchen's recipe transcription
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- Biscuit : 180g
- Fresh cream (for tart) : 70ml
- Milk chocolate : 100g
- Black chocolate : 100g
- Fresh cream (for filling) : 160ml
- cocoa powder : Appropriate amount
Time required
Make tart dough
Crush the biscuits into small pieces, add fresh cream and let them blend in.
Spread it in a mold and refrigerate for 1 hour when the height is the same. -
Make a filling and cool
Finely chop the chocolate, boil the water in a pan, and melt it in a pan.
When the chocolate melts, add fresh cream, pour into the tart dough and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. -
Remove from the mold, sprinkle with cocoa powder and cut into pieces that are easy to eat.
Biscuits are placed in a bowl and crushed using the bottom of the glass.
Two boxes of Marie are used for the material biscuits, but other biscuits such as Oreo may be used. When using Oreo, make the amount of fresh cream 40 ml.
As the chocolate, a commercially available chocolate bar is used. Prepare your favorite chocolate.
In the video, the chocolate is melted while boiling the water in a pot.
When carving the tart, it's a good idea to keep the knife warm.
Refrigeration time is not included in the required time.
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