Tenu Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Strawberry crepe|Transcript of Tenu Kitchen's recipe
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- Cake flour : 50g
- 砂糖 : 大さじ1
- (A)牛乳 : 50cc
- (A)卵 : 1個
- サラダ油 : 小さじ1
- いちご : 適量
- ホイップクリーム : 適量
Time required
Make the dough
Put (A) in a bowl and mix well with a whisk.
Add the cake flour and sugar and mix well.
Add the vegetable oil and mix. -
Heat in the microwave
Wrap in a deep round container.
Place the dough on the plastic wrap and spread it in a circle with a ladle.
Heat in a 600w microwave for 50-60 seconds.
Peel the dough together with the plastic wrap and spread it on a plate. -
Place 2 on a folding plate, squeeze the whipped cream on the dough, and decorate the strawberries cut in half.
・ Because the dough is cooked in the microwave, it can be easily cooked without worrying about burning.
・ Be careful as the dough will become hard if it is heated too much in the microwave.
・ Tighten the wrap so that there are no wrinkles on the surface.
・ You may top with your favorite ingredients other than strawberries and fresh cream.
・ If you make the dough without sugar, it is ideal for side dish crepes.
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ホッとケーキさん。 Time required : 25minutes
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