Aoi's cafeteria in Okinawa Time required : 40minutes
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 26.4万人
- Number of View
- 5,252.0万回
- Number of Videos
- 195本
- 豚バラ肉(薄切り) : 150g
- 大根 : 100g
- 人参 : 1/3本
- ごぼう : 1/2本
- 玉ねぎ : 1/2玉
- 里芋 : 4個
- 長ねぎ : 1本
- いんげん : 7〜8本
- 味噌 : 大さじ5〜6
- ごま油 : 小さじ1
- 水 : 1L
Time required
Prepare the ingredients
Cut the green onions diagonally with a width of 1 cm. Cut the green beans diagonally to a width of 2 to 3 cm. Cut the onions into thin slices with a width of 5 mm. Cut the pork into 2-3 cm widths. Cut the taro into bite-sized pieces. Cut the burdock into small pieces. Cut radish and carrot into half-moons with a width of 5 mm.
Fry the ingredients
Put sesame oil in a pan, heat it, add 1 other than green beans and pork, and fry for 1 to 2 minutes. Once the oil is familiar, add the pork. Fry for 2-3 minutes with light mixing.
Add water to 2 and increase the heat to simmer. When it boils, scoop up the lye. Add half the amount of miso and simmer on low heat for 7-8 minutes. Add 1 green bean and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add the other half of the miso, mix and mix.
・ Radish and carrot may be cut into ginkgo biloba.
・ When adding pork to the pan, turn off the heat once.
・ You may use soup stock as you like.
・ You may add a bit of chili pepper or pepper to your liking.
・ Vegetables used as ingredients may be left over from the refrigerator.
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