HidaMari Cooking Time required : 15minutes
ウィーンのチーズケーキ|Lecker mit Sophie Mayerさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- sugar : 190g
- バター(ソフト) : 100g
- バニラシュガー : 10g
- 卵 : 5個
- カッテージチーズ : 1kg
- レモン : 1個
- コーンスターチ : 25g
- (A)生クリーム(33~36%) : 200g
- (A)砂糖 : 大さじ1~2
Time required
Make dough
Add sugar, butter and vanilla sugar to the bowl and mix.
Add eggs one by one and mix.
Add the coarsely mixed cottage cheese in several batches and mix.
Add grated lemon zest and cornstarch and mix. -
Pour 1 flat into a 20 cm mold lined with parchment paper and bake in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 60-70 minutes.
After baking, remove the heat and put a knife between the mold and the cake.
Wrap it and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. -
Mix (A) to make cream.
Remove 2 from the mold, apply cream to the entire surface, and top with chocolate if you like.
Carved and completed.
・ Use eggs that have been returned to room temperature.
・ Sour cream or creamy yogurt can be used as a substitute for fresh cream.
・ Lemon is grated and used, so domestic lemons are recommended.
・ Because a large amount of cheese is used, you can enjoy the taste of cheese.
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syun cooking Time required : 15minutes
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