Cooking Time required : 15minutes
Dumplings | Transcription of the recipe by Ryuji's buzz recipe
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- Chinese cabbage : 120g
- 塩 : 小さじ1/4
- ニラ : 1/2束(50g)
- 豚ひき肉 : 180g
- 牛脂 : 1個
- (A)オイスターソース : 小さじ2
- (A)醤油 : 小さじ1
- (A)ごま油 : 小さじ1と1/2
- (A)味覇 : 小さじ1/2
- (A)粉ゼラチン : 小さじ2
- (A)酒 : 大さじ1
- (A)おろし生姜 : 5g
- (A)黒こしょう : 適量
- 餃子の皮(大判) : 10枚
- 油 : 小さじ1と1/2
- (B)水 : 70cc
- (B)薄力粉 : 小さじ1
- ごま油(仕上げ用) : 小さじ1と1/2
- (C)醤油 : 大さじ1
- (C)酢 : 大さじ1
- (C)ラー油 : 適量
- (C)味の素 : 2振り
- (D)卵黄 : 1個
- (D)醤油 : 適量
- (D)味の素 : 2振り
Time required
Get ready
Finely chop the Chinese cabbage, put it in a bowl and add salt. Add minced garlic and minced meat. Cut the beef tallow into small pieces, add to the bowl, add the ingredients of (A), and knead. Put the bean paste in the center of the gyoza skin, apply water to the edges of the skin, close it in half and wrap it.
・ A recipe for dumplings made from Chinese cabbage that makes you feel the gravy.
・ Ideal for serving rice and snacks.
・ By making the gyoza skin large, you can easily feel the ingredients when you eat it, and you can easily wrap the dumplings.
・ Adding gelatin increases the stickiness of the gravy.
・ Use the water of Chinese cabbage to increase the gravy of dumplings.
・ Lard may be used instead of beef tallow.
・ By adding beef tallow, it will be more juicy.
・ If the surface of the grill is wide, the fragrance will increase, so press the dumplings against the frying pan and bake them side by side.
・ When baking, you can leave it on the middle heat from beginning to end.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 60minutes
Chef Shitara's cooking dojo Time required : 15minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 15minutes
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