George George / Jojiro ch's person Time required : 20minutes
Bansansu | Aoi's lunch room / Recipe transcription of magic recipes to eat with children
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- Cucumber : One
- にんじん : 中1/2本
- ハム : 5枚
- 春雨 : 40g
- (A)塩 : 小さじ1/3
- (A)砂糖 : 大さじ1と1/3
- (A)しょうゆ : 大さじ1/2
- (A)酢 : 大さじ1と1/3
- (A)ごま油 : 大さじ1弱
- 卵(錦糸卵を入れる場合) : 1個
Time required
Cut off the end of the cucumber with a knife, cut it into small pieces, and cut it in half.
Peel the carrots, chop them like cucumbers, and cut them in half.
Cut the ham in half and chop it into small pieces. -
Combine seasonings
Place the pan on the scale and add (A).
Heat for about 30 seconds with the seasonings mixed and remove the heat. -
Boil the material
Boil water in a pan, add carrots, and boil.
After boiling, pick up the carrots in a colander with a net, put the cucumbers in the same hot water, and boil for about 1 minute.
When boiled, pick it up in the same colander as the carrot.
Finally, boil the ham for about 1 minute and pick it up in the same colander.
After that, expose it to running water and cool it while stirring from below.
Boil the vermicelli for about 15 minutes, raise it in a colander and drain it. -
Cut the vermicelli into 3 equal parts with a kitchen knife, cut into pieces about 10 cm long, and put them in a bowl.
Squeeze the water from the ingredients of 3 by hand and transfer to a bowl containing vermicelli.
Add the seasoning of 2 and mix, and cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or more.
Serve on a plate and complete.
・ Cut the ingredients according to the length of the vermicelli.
・ When cutting cucumbers and carrots into small pieces, first cut them into thin slices diagonally, then stack them and cut them from above.
・ Ham may contain milk and eggs as raw materials, so people with allergies are excluded.
・ When using vinegar, heat it to remove the acidity and make it mellow.
・ When heating the seasoning in step 2, if sugar is accumulated on the bottom of the pot, it will burn, so mix it before heating.
・ Bansan Sue means three shredded soups: van (to be mixed), sun (three), and sou (sliced).
・ Boil cucumbers and ham for heat sterilization.
・ Because it is difficult to eat ham when it overlaps, boil it while loosening it.
If you have children with allergies, boil the ham last. After boiling, put it in another colander.
・ Because vermicelli is hard unlike pasta noodles, boil it before cutting. Also, since it is difficult to cut it, boil it for a long time.
・ If you are concerned about hygiene, boil the ingredients in step 3, wear gloves, and use a cutting board and kitchen knife that have been sterilized by heating.
・ You may add broth egg in step 4.
・ It is better to cool Bansan Sue sufficiently.
・ Recommended for hot seasons when you can easily lose your appetite because it feels good on your throat.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 30minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 5minutes
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