Tenu Kitchen Time required : 5minutes
Cold eggplant potage |
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- eggplant : 6
- 玉ねぎ : 小1個
- 牛乳 : 150ml
- 生クリーム : 50ml
- 砂糖 : 小さじ1/2
- 水 : 100ml
- 醤油 : 小さじ1
- Olive oil : 2 tablespoons
- バター : 10g
- エクストラバージンオイル : 適量
- パセリ : 適量
Time required
prepare the eggplant
Add water (not listed) to the bowl.
Put the net on the stove.
Arrange the eggplants and heat.
Bake until the eggplant skin turns black.
Put eggplant in water (not listed).
Peel off the skin using a bamboo skewer.
Cut off the stem of the eggplant.
Chop finely.
put in a bowl.
Sprinkle with salt (not listed) and mix. -
prepare the onions
Cut the onion in half and remove the skin.
Chop finely. -
heat up
Pour olive oil into pan.
Add 2 and salt (not listed) and fry.
Add butter and fry.
Add water and bring to a simmer.
When it boils, add sugar and mix.
Once boiling, cover and heat.
Add soy sauce, 1, milk and fresh cream.
Heat over low heat while simmering. -
Put 3 in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
Put in a blender and mix.
Transfer to bowl.
Pour into a plate.
Drizzle with extra virgin oil and stretch with a bamboo skewer.
Finish with a sprinkle of parsley.
・We use eggplants that are 12 to 13 cm in size.
・If you don't have a net, you can grill the eggplant with a bamboo skewer or grill it on a fish grill.
・When peeling the eggplant in step 1, do not peel it under running water.
・In step 1, you can use a mixer or blender to finely chop the eggplant.
・If the onion is large, use 1/2 of it.
・You can sprinkle black pepper or salt when eating.
・You can substitute 200ml of milk for the milk and fresh cream.
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