あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 10minutes
Hasselback potato (potato sauce hasselback potato) | George George's recipe transcription
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- potatoes : 5 pieces
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ3
- butter : 50g
- (A) Clove : 4個
- (A) Garlic : 2~3片
- (A) salt : two knobs
- (A) black pepper : 適量
- パセリ : 適量
- じゃがいも(ポテトソース用) : 1個
- 生クリーム : 100ml
- (B) Butter : 15g
- (B) salt : a little
- (B) white pepper : a little
- チーズ : 25g
Time required
prepare potatoes
Make cuts in the potatoes, wash under running water for 5 to 10 minutes, drain with a colander.
make potato sauce
Cut the potatoes (for the potato sauce) in half, put salt (not listed) in a pot, and boil.
Strain the inside.
Reduce the heat to low, add the fresh cream and strained potatoes, and mix.
Add (B) and mix. -
make oil sauce
Add olive oil and butter to a frying pan and heat.
Add (A) and turn off the heat when the smell of grated garlic comes out. -
Spread a cooking sheet on the baking sheet, arrange 1, and apply 3.
Sprinkle with salt (not listed) and bake in a 200 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.
Take it out and apply 3 again.
Sprinkle with salt (not listed) and black pepper (not listed) and bake in an oven at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. -
Heat 2, add cheese, mix, and serve on a plate.
Put parsley on 4 and serve on a plate to complete.
・Using disposable chopsticks, leave about 5mm to 1cm incisions in the potatoes.
・By thoroughly washing the potato, including the inside of the cut, the cut will be easier to open.
・When making potato sauce, pour the strained potatoes into the pan while they are still warm to make the sauce smoother.
・The potato sauce burns easily, so be careful when making it.
・It is good to grate the garlic used in the oil sauce.
・It is good to apply the oil sauce to the inside of the cut.
syun cooking Time required : 15minutes
HidaMari Cooking Time required : 60minutes
Cooking Time required : 10minutes
apron Time required : 15minutes
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