syun cooking Time required : 10minutes
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- chestnut : moderate amount
Time required
prepare the chestnuts
Wash the chestnuts in a bowl.
Soak in water (not listed) for 15-30 minutes.
Wipe off the moisture with kitchen paper.
With the flat side of the chestnut facing down, make an incision at least 3 mm deep and half the length of the chestnut. -
Add water (not listed) to the fish grill.
Lay out aluminum foil.
Arrange the chestnuts.
Cook over high heat for 12 minutes on both sides, or 7 minutes on one side, then turn over and cook for 5 minutes to complete.
・A roasted chestnut recipe that retains the flavor and sweetness of chestnuts.
・Easy to make on a fish grill.
・The time required for soaking the chestnuts in water (not listed) for 15-30 minutes is not included.
・Be careful not to cut your fingers when making cuts in chestnuts.
・By making a cut in the chestnut, it becomes easier to peel off the astringent skin.
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