syun cooking Time required : 5minutes
タルト(いちごタルト)|KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolateさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- cookie : 120g
- ホワイトチョコレート : 70g
- (A) Egg yolk : 3個
- (A) Granulated sugar : 50g
- 薄力粉 : 25g
- 牛乳 : 300g
- いちご : 1~2パック
- 粉糖 : 適量
Time required
make tart dough
Put the cookies in a storage bag and crush them finely.
Heat the white chocolate in a 600W microwave for 30 seconds.
Heat 2-3 times in the same way to melt the white chocolate.
Add the melted white chocolate to the bag and mix.
Spread it out in the mold and press the bottom of the cup against the dough.
Press down on the dough to form the sides, and chill in the freezer to harden. -
make custard cream
Put (A) in a heat-resistant bowl and mix.
Add cake flour and milk in that order, and mix each time.
Wrap and heat in a 600W microwave for 30 seconds and mix.
Heat 8 times in the same way and mix well each time. -
Pour 2 into 1 and flatten the surface.
Cover tightly with plastic wrap, chill in the freezer for 30 minutes, then chill in the refrigerator. -
Cut the stems of the strawberries diagonally and arrange them around 3.
Place finely chopped strawberries in the center.
Place the bottom of the mold on top of the strawberries and dust the edges of the tart with powdered sugar.
Place the strawberries with the stems in the center, put them on a plate, and cut them into easy-to-eat pieces to complete.
・Use a tart mold with a removable bottom of 18 cm.
・Fruits can be substituted with your favorite ones.
Separate egg yolk and egg white. In the video, only the egg yolk is used.・It is a good idea to sift the soft flour in step 2 before using.
・While Step 2 is still hot, add 50-100g of chocolate to make chocolate custard.
・Milk can be replaced with soy milk, fresh cream, or orange juice.
・Process 4 is finished when the dough is cold.
kattyanneru Time required : 25minutes
A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 30minutes
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