Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 5minutes
鍋(ピリ辛とり味噌鍋)|まかないチャレンジ! さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 66.7万人
- Number of View
- 1.1億回
- Number of Videos
- 900本
- 鶏肉 : 160g
- 木綿豆腐 : 適量
- キャベツ : 適量
- 小松菜 : 適量
- 人参 : 適量
- 長ネギ : 適量
- ゴボウ : 適量
- 豆板醤 : 小さじ1
- 水 : 350㏄
- (A) Dashi pack : 1パック
- (A) Alcohol : 大さじ2
- (A)Mirin : 大さじ2
- (A)Miso : 大さじ2
Time required
cut the material
Cut carrots, burdock root, green onions, komatsuna, and cabbage.
Cut the chicken. -
Put sesame oil (not listed) in a clay pot, cover the whole thing with a tissue, etc., and heat.
When it gets hot, add a little sesame oil (not listed).
Stir-fry the chicken and burdock.
Add bean sauce and stir-fry.
Add water, mix gently, then add (A) and carrots.
Once it boils, lower the heat, add the green onion and cabbage, cover and simmer for 2 and a half minutes.
Add firm tofu and komatsuna, bring to a boil, then turn off the heat and cover with a lid.
・For chicken, use thigh meat. Pork may also be used.
・Cut the carrots in Step 1 into half moons, cut the burdock root into chunks, cut the green onions and mustard spinach into desired sizes, and roughly chop the cabbage.
・Cut the chicken from step 1 into long thin pieces.
・You can add ginger and garlic if you like.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 5minutes
Shizuru Channel Time required : 15minutes
和菓子お兄さん【タダヒロのお菓子作り】 Time required : 3minutes
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