Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 55minutes
Ramen (Mushroom bean paste ramen) Recipe transcription by Kenmasu Cooking
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- instant ramen noodle : 1 bag
- 付属の粉末スープの素 : 2/3袋
- 付属の七味唐辛子 : 1袋
- Enoki : 1/2 bag
- しめじ : 1/3 bag
- しいたけ : 1個
- Pork minced meat : 100g
- 長ネギ : 1/2本
- (A)Water : 250cc
- (A)Chinese seasoning : 小さじ1/2
- (A)Oyster sauce : 大さじ1と1/2
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ1/2
- ブラックペッパー : 適量
- 水溶き片栗粉 : 少量
- ごま油 : 小さじ1
Time required
make preparations
Cut off the stems from the enoki mushrooms and cut them in half.
Cut off the stems of the shiitake mushrooms and slice them thinly.
Cut off the stone ends of the shimeji mushrooms.
Slice the green onion diagonally. -
heat up
Pour the included powdered soup base into the bowl.
Pour 300cc of water (not listed) into a pot and heat.
Heat a frying pan, add oil (not listed), and stir-fry the pork.
Add 1 and stir.
Add (A) and heat.
Add instant ramen noodles to a pot and boil.
Add black pepper to the frying pan, lower the heat and add the potato starch dissolved in water.
When it thickens, turn up the heat to high and add sesame oil to make the bean paste.
Loosen the instant ramen noodles. -
Add instant ramen noodles and hot water to a bowl.
Add the red bean paste from step 2.
Complete with the included shichimi chili pepper.
・You can use whatever mushrooms you like.
・The total amount of mushrooms is about 100-120g.
・If you also use the green part of the green onions, the color will be better.
・Water-soluble potato starch is 1 part potato starch to 2 parts water.
・You can make soup by dissolving the leftover powdered soup base in hot water.
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