Yu Sweets Researcher Time required : 30minutes
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 29.1万人
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- 645本
- 鶏もも肉 : 2枚
- にんじん : 80g
- じゃがいも : 150g
- にんにく : 15g
- 生姜 : 15g
- 玉ねぎ : 1個
- (A)カレー粉 : 大さじ3
- (A)ドライバジル : 小さじ1
- canned whole tomatoes : 1缶
- 水 : ホールトマト缶1杯分
- ブイヨン : 大さじ1
- (B)ガーリックパウダー : 小さじ1
- (B)ウスターソース : 小さじ2
- salt : Appropriate amount
- cabbage : 2-3 pieces
- (C)Vinegar : 適量
- (C) Rice bran oil : 適量
- (C)Lemon juice : 適量
- (C) Sugar : Appropriate amount
- (C) Salt : a little
- 粒マスタード : 適量
Time required
Cut the chicken thighs into bite-sized pieces, put them in a vat, and sprinkle them all over with salt (not listed).
In a bowl, grate the peeled carrots and potatoes.
Finely chop the garlic and ginger and transfer to a separate container.
Cut the onion in half lengthwise, then in half widthwise, then thinly slice.
Wipe away the moisture from the chicken thighs with kitchen paper, then sprinkle a thin layer of potato starch (not listed) all over. -
Heat the rice bran oil (not listed) in a frying pan, add the chicken thighs, and brown them without moving them too much.
Once both sides are cooked, take it out.
Add rice oil (not listed) to a frying pan, add onions, salt (not listed), and water (not listed) and fry until golden brown.
When the water evaporates, add water (not listed) and stir-fry.
When the onions turn golden brown, add rice oil (not listed), garlic, and ginger and stir-fry further.
Add (A) and stir-fry slowly to avoid burning. -
Add the can of whole tomatoes and mix while crushing the tomatoes.
Add water, carrots, and potatoes and mix again.
Add the broth and chicken thighs, cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. -
Put (C) in a bowl and stir well with a whisk.
Add shredded cabbage and mustard and mix. -
Add (B) and stir. Adjust with salt if the taste is not enough.
Arrange rice, curry, side dishes from step 4, and boiled eggs on a plate.
・The amount shown in the video is 5 to 6 servings.
・Rather than using curry roux or flour, use the starch from potatoes to thicken it.
・Garlic and ginger can be substituted with tubes.
・It is even better if the onions are chopped.
・You can substitute other oils for rice bran oil.
・Adding salt when frying onions draws out moisture and cooks them quickly.
・Bouillon can be substituted with consommé.
-Canned tomatoes can be cut tomatoes, but whole tomatoes are recommended.
- Grated vegetables burn easily, so don't forget to stir occasionally during simmering.
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