Cooking Time required : 30minutes
タルト(バナナチーズタルト)| Les sens cielさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- (A) Light flour : 180g
- (A) Powdered sugar : 50g
- (A) Almond powder : 40g
- (A)Baking powder : 2g
- (A) Salt : ひとつまみ
- 無塩バター : 105g
- 卵黄 : 5 pieces
- クリームチーズ : 180g
- グラニュー糖 : 84g
- バニラビーンズ : 1本
- 無糖ヨーグルト : 80g
- 生クリーム : 560g
- whole egg : 1個
- バナナ : 2本
- 粉糖 : 適量
Time required
make tart dough
Mix (A) with a mixer, add butter and mix to some extent.
Add 2 egg yolks and mix. Once mixed to a certain extent, knead the mixture with your hands, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Brush the cake mold with butter (not listed) and roll out the tart dough to 5mm.
Cut out the cake to fit the mold, apply a thin layer of milk (not listed) to the sides of the cake mold, and attach the batter.
Cut off any excess and place in the refrigerator. -
bake a tart
Add cream cheese and 70g of granulated sugar and mix, then add vanilla beans and mix.
Add yogurt and mix, then add 360g of fresh cream in 3 portions and mix.
Mix the whole egg and 3 egg yolks in a separate bowl, then add to the cream cheese bowl and mix.
Strain through a colander and pour into the tart dough, bake in the oven at 140 degrees for 40 minutes, then turn over and bake for another 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven, once cooled down, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. -
・It is best to use well-chilled butter.
・In the video, a 15cm tart mold is used.
・It is best to bring the cream cheese to room temperature.
・It is best to preheat the oven to 140 degrees in advance.
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