cook kafemaru Time required : 15minutes
マフィン(りんごのマフィン)|cook kafemaruさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- egg : 1 piece
- きび砂糖 : 40g
- 溶かしバター : 35g
- こめ油 : 25g
- バニラオイル : 適量
- 薄力粉 : 100g
- ベーキングパウダー : 3g
- りんご : 1個
- グラニュー糖 : 適量
Time required
prepare the apples
Peel the apples and cut them lengthwise into 7mm thick pieces.
Cut out 6 apples using a heart-shaped cookie cutter and chop the remaining apples into small pieces. -
make the dough
Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a whisk.
Add cane sugar and mix.
Add melted butter and vanilla oil and mix to emulsify.
Sift in the flour and baking powder and mix with a rubber spatula.
Add the chopped apples and mix.
Place in a piping bag. -
Line the mold with glassine paper and add 2.
Place the cut out apples on top and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for 22-24 minutes.
Remove from the mold and complete.
・Enough for 6 muffin tins with a diameter of 6.5cm and a height of 3.5cm.
・Cane sugar can be replaced with granulated sugar.
・Use unsalted melted butter.
・You can substitute rice oil with any oil that doesn't have a strong taste.
・Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
・Use medium-sized apples.
・Use L size eggs.
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