和菓子お兄さん【タダヒロのお菓子作り】 Time required : 100minutes
Oatmeal pizza | Kiko healthy life. Transcription of recipe
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- oatmeal : 30g
- water : 120ml
- Olive oil : 1 tablespoon
- Pizza sauce : Appropriate amount
- cheese : Appropriate amount
- Petit tomatoes : Appropriate amount
- Mozzarella cheese : Appropriate amount
- basil : Appropriate amount
Time required
Soothing oatmeal
Put oatmeal, water and olive oil in a bowl, mix and leave for 5 minutes to soak.
Bake the dough
Sprinkle a large amount of olive oil in a frying pan, add 1 and bake on high heat. When the water has reached a certain level, even out the thickness, add cheese, and apply pizza sauce. Place cheese, cut petit tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese on top and bake until the cheese melts.
Topped with Bashir
Transfer 2 to a plate and top with basil.
・ Do not omit cheese as it also serves as a binder.
・ You can use any ingredients you like.
・ When baking, if there is a thick part in the dough, it will have a risotto-like finish, so smooth it thinly.
・ Be careful as the risotto-like finish will be obtained even if the amount of oatmeal is increased.
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 30minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 15minutes
A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 60minutes
Cooking Time required : 35minutes
小倉知巳のイタリアンプロ養成講座 Time required : 30minutes
Evening cafeteria Time required : 10minutes
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
kattyanneru Time required : 15minutes
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