Tenu Kitchen Time required : 8minutes
Hot cereal | MosoGourmet Recipes transcribed by Mosogourmet
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- (A) Oatmeal : 30g
- (A) Water : 100ml
- (A) Milk : 150ml
- (A) Dry raisins : 20g
- Apple (Jonathan) : 1/4 piece (60g with core)
- Banana (small) : 1 bottle (125g with leather)
- Honey : as you like
- Maple syrup : as you like
- cinnamon : as you like
Time required
Put the ingredients in a heat-resistant container
Put (A) in a heat-resistant container.
Wash the apples well, remove the core, cut them into 2-3 mm thick pieces with the skin still attached, and add them to a heat-resistant container.
Cut the bananas into round slices and cut 6 pieces with a flower shape for decoration. Add the rest to a heat-resistant container.
Mix the whole. -
Heat in the microwave
Wrap in 1 and heat in a 600w microwave for 3 minutes and 50 seconds.
Mix the whole lightly. -
Put it in a bowl and decorate it with a flower-shaped banana.
Sprinkle with honey or maple syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon if you like.
・ Because it is easy to digest, it is a recipe that is gentle on a weak stomach.
-A simple recipe that simply puts the ingredients in a heat-resistant container, mixes them, and heats them in a microwave oven.
・ Recommended for those on a diet.
・ By adding a lot of bananas, the taste will be easy to eat.
・ We recommend Kodama, which has a beautiful skin color.
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