Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
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- oatmeal : 50g
- ホエイプロテイン : 50g
- 卵 : 2個
- クルミ : 15g
- はちみつ : 少々
Time required
Make the dough
Break the egg into a bowl and melt it.
Add whey protein and mix until dry.
Add oatmeal, crushed walnuts, and honey in that order and mix well each time. -
Mold and bake in the oven
Place a parchment paper on the top plate, scoop the dough with a spoon, and shape it.
Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
・ Preheat to 180 degrees while making the dough.
・ You can substitute your favorite almonds instead of walnuts, but it is recommended because walnuts are easy to crush.
・ Walnuts break easily when pressure is applied from above the exterior.
・ When arranging the dough on the cooking sheet, you don't have to worry if it loses its shape or if the dough sticks to each other.
・ Because the condition of the fire differs depending on the type of oven, adjust the heating time while watching the situation.
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