40kg Oatmeal Rice Diet Recipe [Korezo] Time required : 5minutes
Boiled chicken in tomatoes|Muscle Grill's recipe transcription
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- Chicken thigh meat : 1kg
- トマトジュース : 1kg
- 玉ねぎ : 3個
- マッシュルーム : 180g
- ニンジン : 1本
- セロリ : 1本
- ローズマリー : 1本
- ニンニク : 3片
- 干し椎茸 : 適量
- 塩 : 適量
Time required
Cut carrots
Cut the carrots into chopped wood and put them in a rice cooker.
Steam chicken and vegetables
Add a little water to a frying pan, ignite, chop the chicken, add and simmer over medium heat. Add mushrooms as they are without cutting. Add peeled garlic and chopped onions, and add an appropriate amount of salt. Cut the celery leaves into small pieces, cover and steam for about 5 minutes.
Cut celery stalks
Cut the celery stalks into small pieces and put them in a rice cooker.
Cook with a rice cooker
Add steamed chicken and vegetables, tomato juice, and dried shiitake mushrooms to the rice cooker, put rosemary on it, and cook for about an hour.
・ Even children who dislike carrots can easily eat it by boiling it.
・ Healthy because it does not use oil.
・ Fry in steamed and melted chicken oil.
・ The odor disappears when celery leaves are added.
・ You may put the celery in the rice cooker as it is without frying.
・ Do not dilute tomato juice with water.
・ If you let it sit for several hours after cooking, the taste will be soaked and it will be delicious.
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