No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 15minutes
Vanilla cheesecake|Qiong Cooking's recipe transcript
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- (A) Mochi rice flour : Cup (130g)
- (A)コーンスターチ : カップ1/4(30g)
- (A)砂糖 : カップ1/4(50g)
- (A)牛乳 : 200ml
- (A)バニラエッセンス : 小さじ1/4(1.25ml)
- (A)無塩バター : 大さじ2(28g)
- (B)クリームチーズ : カップ1(225g)
- (B)砂糖 : 大さじ3(38g)
- (B)バニラエッセンス : 小さじ1/2(2.5ml)
- (B)ホイップクリーム : 300g
- (C)もち米粉 : カップ1/4(30g)
Time required
Get ready
Fry (C) rice cake flour for about 2 minutes on low heat and then remove it.
Make cream
(B) Put cream cheese in a bowl (B) Add sugar and mix well until smooth. (B) Add vanilla essence and mix to some extent using an electric mixer. (B) Add whipped cream and mix until it becomes whipped. After mixing, keep it in the refrigerator.
Make dough
Add (A) glutinous rice flour, (A) cornstarch, (A) sugar, (A) milk, and (A) vanilla essence and mix well with a whisk. Put the mixed dough in a flat cake pan, wrap it, and make a hole with a toothpick. Heat in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. If not enough, add 1 to 2 minutes to heat.
Add (A) unsalted butter to the heated dough in step 3 and mix while melting with a spatula. After melting, remove the heat for about 10 minutes, then pull the dough for about 5 minutes to stretch it.
Roll the stretched dough from step 4. Place the stir-fried glutinous rice flour from step 1 on a sprinkled table. Stretch it into a long stick and cut it into 12 equal parts. Shape them into circles one by one and stretch them with a cotton swab to make a circle with a diameter of 10 cm.
Cover the circular dough from step 4 on a small bowl, wrap it with the cream made in step 2 and your favorite fruit, and close your mouth while pinching your mouth. Cut off the closed mouth and turn it over into a cupcake mold. Mold the rest of the dough and make it in the same way.
・ In step 1, it is important to fry 1/4 of the rice flour cup (C) for about 2 minutes so that it will not stick to each other later. Used as dusting powder.
・ After heating in the microwave for about 3 to 4 minutes, if the heating is not enough, watch the situation and heat for another 1 to 2 minutes.
・ After adding unsalted butter, remove the heat and knead the dough for about 5 minutes. Knead until it grows very much.
・ When cooled, it can be eaten more deliciously. You can freeze it to make an ice cream cake.
・ If you do not use the microwave in step 3, you may steam in a steamer for about 10 minutes.
・ After putting it in a cupcake mold, you can crush the center by hand to make a donut shape.
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