cook kafemaru Time required : 8minutes
Banh Mi|Otel de Mikuni's recipe transcription
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- フランスパン : 1/2本
- ハム : 6枚
- 紫玉ねぎ : 適量
- Japanese white radish : 100g
- にんじん : 50g
- パクチー : 1~2本
- レバーペースト : 適量
- 塩 : 小さじ1/4
- 酢 : 大さじ1
- 甜菜糖 : 小さじ2
- 唐辛子 : 1本
- シーズニング : 大さじ1
- 一味唐辛子 : ひとつまみ
Time required
Make a sardine
Put radish, carrots and salt in a bowl and knead.
Squeeze the water, add vinegar, sugar beet and chili pepper and mix. -
Make a notch in French bread and apply liver paste.
Place purple onions, ham, sardines, and cilantro.
Sprinkle with sauce and sandwich with French bread to complete.
・ Slice the purple onion in advance.
・ Cut radish and carrot into sticks in advance.
・ Combine seasoning and chili peppers for sauce in advance.
・ Coriander does not have to be used.
・ It is also recommended to use roast pork instead of ham.
・ When using homemade liver paste, refer to the video below.
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ちゃぴさんです。 Time required : 5minutes
No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 10minutes
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