Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 65minutes
ケーキ(ミルフィーユりんごケーキ)|ゆう スイーツ研究家さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- apple : 1-2 pieces
- 卵 : 2個
- 砂糖 : 50g
- ヨーグルト : 50g
- ホットケーキミックス : 100g
- アーモンドスライス : 適量
- レモン汁 : 大さじ1
Time required
prepare the apples
Peel the apple, cut into quarters, and cut out the core.
Cut into 1mm wide pieces and cut in half.
Put apples and water (not listed in ingredients) in a bowl and wash.
Add lemon juice.
Discard the water. -
make the dough
Add eggs and sugar to another bowl and mix with a whisk.
Add yogurt and mix until smooth.
Add pancake mix and mix with a rubber spatula.
Add 1 and mix to combine. -
Lightly coat the pan with butter (not listed).
Spread the almond slices.
Add Step 2 and smooth the surface by pressing with a rubber spatula.
Cover with a lid and bake on low heat for 10 minutes.
Wipe off any water droplets on the lid.
Heat for a total of 30 minutes, wiping off any water droplets on the lid every 5 minutes.
Gradually peel off the fabric from the inside of the pot using a spatula.
Cover a flat plate with parchment paper and turn it over the pot.
Return the pot.
Using another flat plate, turn the dough over, then cover it with the pot and turn it over.
Cover with a lid and bake on low heat for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Insert a toothpick into the dough to check if it is cooked through. -
・I use an 18cm one-handed pot.
・M size eggs are used.
・The texture of the apple changes depending on its thickness, so cut it to your desired thickness.
・Washing apples and adding lemon juice will prevent them from discoloring.
・After adding the apples in step 2, mix with a rubber spatula to coat the batter.
・After spreading the almond slices, when adding the batter, do so gently.
・Place the pot in the center of the gas stove.
・Heat on the lowest heat.
・If there is no liquid batter on the toothpick, it is considered cooked.
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