George George / Jojiro ch's person Time required : 45minutes
ケーキ(シュトーレン)|cook kafemaruさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- ホットケーキミックス : 200g
- 無塩バター : 50g
- きび砂糖 : 30g
- 卵黄 : 1個分(20g)
- くるみ : 30g
- ラム酒漬けドライフルーツ : 100g
- melted butter : 15g
- 粉糖 : 適量
Time required
make the dough
Put the unsalted butter in a bowl and heat it in the microwave at 600W for 30 seconds to melt it.
Add the cane sugar to the bowl and mix.
Add egg yolk and mix well.
Add the rum-soaked dried fruit and mix.
Add walnuts and mix.
Add pancake mix and mix by cutting vertically.
Preheat the oven to 180℃. -
Gather the dough
Spread 1 on the counter and use a card to gather the dough into a ball.
Gather the dough using a card and press it together to make a size of 16 x 14 cm.
Fold the dough in half on the short side, slightly shifting the edges. -
Place 2 on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Bake in an oven preheated to 180℃ for 24 minutes until golden brown all over. -
Immediately after baking, spread melted butter all over and let cool on a wire rack.
Once completely cooled, sprinkle powdered sugar all over.
・Ingredients are for 1 stollen.
・The required time does not include the time to soak the dried fruit mix in rum.
- Dried fruit mix is soaked in hot water to remove the sugar and oil coating, then drained and soaked in rum for a day.
・Once done, let it sit for at least half a day to allow the flavors to meld.
・The storage period is 3 days when wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and stored in an unheated place.
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 15minutes
Chara Rinko Time required : 20minutes
Round kitchen Time required : 75minutes
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 40minutes
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
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