A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 25minutes
Ankake Koya-dofu and Koya-dofu wrapped with large leaf meat |
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- Koya tofu (for ankake) : 2 sheets
- Potato starch (for ankake) : Appropriate amount
- (A) Water : 250ml
- (A) Soy sauce : 1 tablespoon
- (A) Mirin : 1 tablespoon
- (A) Sugar : 2 tsp
- (A) Dashi no Moto : 1/4 teaspoon
- Crab stick : Two
- Water-soluble potato starch : Appropriate amount
- Beaten egg : 1 piece
- Koya tofu (for meat rolls) : Three
- Sliced pork : About 100g (5 sheets)
- Potato starch (for meat rolls) : Appropriate amount
- Macrophyll : About 10
- (B) Mirin : 1 tablespoon
- (B) Soy sauce : 1 tbsp and 1/2 tbsp
- (B) Sugar : 1/2 tbsp
Time required
Return Koya-dofu for Torotama Ankake
Put Koya-dofu in a bowl, soak it in water for 3 minutes, squeeze the water, make it into 6 equal parts, and sprinkle with potato starch.
Bake Koya tofu
Add salad oil (not included in the amount) to a frying pan and heat to warm. Add Koya tofu from 1 and bake until the surface is browned.
When the potato starch becomes brown and hardens, add (A), mix lightly and boil over high heat.
When it comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Immediately after 5 minutes, turn off the heat and remove. -
Make Torotama Ankake
Finely chop two crab sticks into a frying pan from which Koya-dofu has been taken out, add it to the heat, add the beaten egg when it is thickened with broth, mix it quickly, turn off the heat, and heat it with residual heat. Sprinkle the bean paste on Koya tofu and sprinkle with chopped fine onions (not included in the amount).
Return Koya tofu for rolls of large leaf meat
Rehydrate 3 pieces of Koya tofu with water in the same way as 1 and squeeze the water lightly. Put a knife in the vertical direction and divide it into 3 equal parts.
Prepare the pork
Cut Koya-dofu into pork ribs to a length that can be wrapped around one and a half laps.
Sprinkle potato starch on the surface. -
Roll Koya tofu with pork
Place the perilla leaves with the stems face down on the pork, put Koya tofu on it, and roll it around.
Bake rolled Koya tofu
Put the cooking oil (outside the amount) in a frying pan and heat it. Place the pork in a frying pan with the end of the roll facing down.
When it gets brown and the end of the roll sticks, turn it over and bake the whole surface. -
Boil the seasoning
When the whole surface is browned, add seasoning (B) and boil the seasoning while mixing over high heat.
When the water is completely gone, it's done.
・ When boiling, return Koya-dofu on the way so that the broth will spread throughout.
・ Ankake is thickened with the potato starch attached to Koya tofu, but if the thickness is not enough, add water-soluble potato starch to adjust.
・ By sprinkling potato starch on the surface, it has a chewy texture.
・ Koya-dofu for meat rolls becomes dry when you squeeze the water well, so just drain the water lightly.
・ When the pork is about to run out, cut the Koya tofu in half and use it.
・ Because it is wrapped with pork rather than just Koya tofu, it has more volume.
・ The fat of pork and seasonings are entwined, and the flavor of the perilla leaves is good.
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