Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 40minutes
パウンドケーキ(米粉チョコレートパウンドケーキ)|HidaMari Cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Unsalted butter : 100g
- きび砂糖 : 80g
- 塩 : ひとつまみ
- ココアパウダー : 10g
- 全卵 : 2個
- 米粉 : 90g
- アーモンドプードル : 20g
- ベーキングパウダー : 5g
- スイートチョコレート : 80g
Time required
Make the dough
Place unsalted butter in a bowl.
Chop the sweet chocolate with a knife and place in a container.
Mix the unsalted butter in a bowl with a whisk.
Add cane sugar and salt.
Sift in the cocoa powder and mix.
Crack the whole eggs into a separate container and beat them with chopsticks, then add them to the bowl in three batches, mixing each time.
Switch to a rubber spatula and mix.
Sift in the rice flour, almond flour and baking powder.
Mix with a rubber spatula.
Add the chopped sweet chocolate and mix. -
Line the mold with parchment paper.
Add 1 and smooth the surface.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. -
Finishing touches
Remove the pound cake from the mold.
Wrap in plastic wrap and let cool.
Peel off the cooking sheet.
Cut off the raised part.
Sift in cocoa powder (not included).
Finish by topping with pistachios (not included in the recipe).
・Recipe for chocolate pound cake made with rice flour.
・An 18cm pound cake mold is used.
・Bring the unsalted butter and whole eggs to room temperature.
-Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
- Leaving it overnight will allow the unsalted butter and sweet chocolate to blend together and become even more delicious.
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
Les sens ciel Time required : 50minutes
ホッとケーキさん。 Time required : 35minutes
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