Chef Shitara's cooking dojo Time required : 5minutes
Bread (tortilla bread with meat sauce) | Recipe transcription by Qiong Cooking
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- tortilla : 2 sheets
- Ground beef : 200g
- Purple onion : 20g
- トマトソース : 240ml(1カップ)
- 塩 : 適量
- 黒胡椒 : 適量
- パセリ : 適量
- チェダーチーズ : 2 sheets
- モッツァレラチーズ : 適量
Time required
Make the meat sauce
Place a frying pan over medium-low heat and add oil (not listed).
Add the purple onion and saute.
Add ground beef and stir fry.
Add the tomato sauce, salt, black pepper and parsley and stir fry to evaporate the moisture.
Add the cheddar cheese and stir to melt.
Transfer to a bowl. -
Spray oil (not listed) into a frying pan.
Place one tortilla in and spread 1 on it.
Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.
Cover with the remaining tortillas and cook over low heat until golden brown.
Flip and cook until browned. -
Finishing touches
Remove 2 to a cutting board.
Cut to your desired size and done.
A recipe using tortillas that is perfect for breakfast.
・Cheddar cheese is made using sliced cheese.
・Shredded mozzarella cheese is used.
・Chop the purple onion finely in advance.
- Dried parsley is used.
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