Registered dietitian: Ayako Sekiguchi's wellness kitchen Time required : 30minutes
Ginger Chips | Recipes for Lee Sun Channel
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- ginger : 500g
- sugar : 250g
- water : Appropriate amount
Time required
Cut ginger
Wash the ginger, peel it, slice it thinly and soak it in water for about 30 minutes.
Boil ginger
Boil the ginger from the water and boil it for 8 minutes.
Boil with sugar
Drain the water from 2 and put it in a frying pan, add sugar, and boil it over low heat without burning. When the sugar crystals are formed, it is complete.
・ A simple recipe that you just cut and boil.
・ Eating 3-4 slices a day warms your body and is ideal for cold winters.
・ It's good for your throat, so it's good even after catching a cold, and it's a traditional Korean healthy snack that can be used as a preventive measure.
・ You don't have to peel all the ginger skin cleanly.
・ When soaking in water in step 1, replace it with clean water once in the middle.
・ It is recommended that you do not throw away the hot water and drink it together with the remaining sugar crystals because it is very good for your health and delicious.
・ If you don't like the bitterness of ginger, you should use it after boiling it in step 2 and then gently flushing it with water.
・ In step 3, sugar crystals will appear after boiling for about 30 minutes, so reduce the heat to a very low level and mix without burning.
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