ホッとケーキさん。 Time required : 40minutes
オートミールガトーショコラ|さおりシャンティT Vさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- (A) Powdered oatmeal : 80g
- (A)アーモンドプードル : 30g
- (A)ココアパウダー : 15g
- (A)重曹 : 小さじ1/2
- (A)塩 : ふたつまみ
- (B)木綿豆腐 : 100g
- (B)カカオニブ : 20g
- (B)豆乳 : 1/2カップ
- (B)メープルシロップ : 大さじ3
- (B)ラム酒 : 大さじ1
- (B)油 : 大さじ1
Time required
Mix the flour
Put (A) in a bowl and mix.
Make the dough
Put (B) in a blender and stir until smooth.
Add to 1 and mix. -
Put in a mold and bake in the oven
Put the dough in a mold with a parchment paper and level the surface.
Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for 25 minutes.
・ Mix powders first to prevent lumps.
・ By using cotton tofu, the finish will be moist. No need to drain.
・ If you like sweetness, you can increase the amount of maple syrup.
・ Baking powder can be used as a substitute for baking soda.
・ If you don't have cacao nibs, you can use instant coffee instead. When substituting with cocoa powder, use an amount of 40 g.
・ Because the condition of the fire varies depending on the type of oven, adjust while watching the situation.
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ギャル曽根公式チャンネル「ごはんは残さず食べましょう」 Time required : 40minutes
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