syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
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- Cutted rice cake : 2 pieces
- 大根 : 50g
- にんじん : 1/4個
- しいたけ : 1個
- 小松菜 : 2本
- 鶏肉 : 100g
- soup stock : 400ml
- 薄口醤油 : 小さじ2
- Yuzu (use only skin) : 適量
Time required
Cut vegetables and chicken
Peel the radish and cut it into ginkgo biloba.
Wash the carrots well and slice them into thin slices without peeling.
Remove the shiitake mushrooms, cut the shaft and slice it into thin slices.
Cut off the roots of Japanese mustard spinach and cut into pieces that are easy to eat.
Cut the peel of yuzu and slice it into thin slices.
Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces. -
Bake mochi
Put the mochi in a frying pan and heat it over medium heat.
If one side is browned, turn it over and bake until the mochi swells. -
Put soup stock, chicken, radish and carrots in a pan and bring to a boil over high heat.
When it boils, remove the lye and add the stems of Japanese mustard spinach and shiitake mushrooms.
When it boils again, add the leaves of Japanese mustard spinach and the peel of yuzu and bring to a boil while mixing.
Add light soy sauce, mix gently and turn off the heat.
Serve with mochi baked in a bowl and you're done.
・ If you wash the carrots thoroughly, you can eat them as they are, so leave them.
・ Because the shiitake mushrooms produce good soup stock, do not throw them away.
・ If you bake mochi in a frying pan, it will not be browned and will not stick to each other.
・ Estimated time to bake mochi is 5 minutes on each side.
・ It is recommended to use kelp and dried bonito for the soup stock.
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