syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
Chocolate squeezed cookie | Coris Cooking Channel's recipe transcription
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- Unsalted butter : 40g
- Powdered sugar : 34g
- egg : 15g
- Almond powder : 8g
- salt : A little (very small amount)
- chocolate : 10g
- Cornstarch : 10g
- Cake flour : 40g
- Pure cocoa powder : 6g
Time required
Smooth the butter
Mix the butter that has been returned to room temperature with a whipper to make it smooth.
Mix the dough
Sift the powdered sugar and mix with a whipper.
Add the beaten egg in two portions and mix well each time.
Add salt and almond powder and mix further. -
Finish the dough
Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add to 2 and mix with a whipper.
Sift a mixture of cake flour and cocoa and mix by cutting with a rubber spatula.
It is good if the dough is organized and a little glossy. -
Squeeze the cookie dough
Put the inside of the round mouthpiece in a piping bag and squeeze it out to a top plate with roasted paper to a diameter of about 3 cm.
Sprinkle a little granulated sugar. -
bake in an oven
Bake in an oven preheated to 160 ° C for about 17 minutes.
When it is burnt, remove the rough heat.
・ As a preliminary preparation, melt the eggs well and mix the cake flour and cocoa well.
・ Put the amount of butter at room temperature in advance to soften it. In cold weather such as winter, it is recommended to heat in a microwave oven at 500W for about 5 seconds to make it moderately soft.
・ If powdered sugar is not sifted, it may become lumpy in the dough, so sift it.
・ Chocolate on the edge of the bowl or on the whipper, especially in winter, will quickly cool and harden, so mix it quickly as soon as you add the chocolate. If most of it is mixed, there is no need to worry about it getting cold and solid.
・ If you put a large amount of dough in the piping bag at once, the piping bag may be torn by the pressure of squeezing, so be careful.
・ For long-term storage, put a desiccant (silica gel) in a bag or storage bottle, or use a sealer to seal the cookie bag.
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