Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 7minutes
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- 3,280本
- Onions (middle) : 2 pieces
- 手羽元 : 6本
- にんじん : 1/2本(100g)
- にんにく : 1片
- 塩胡椒 : 少々
- 酒 : 大さじ1
- 顆粒コンソメ : 小さじ2
- 水 : 適量
Time required
Cut the onions
Cut the calyx of the onion and make a cross cut at the bottom.
Put it in the inner pot of the rice cooker with the bottom down. -
Add chicken wings and carrots
Sprinkle salt and pepper and sake on the wings, knead and add to the inner pot.
Peel the carrots, divide them vertically into 4 equal parts, and add them to the inner pot. -
Cook rice
Crush the garlic, add it to the inner pot, and add water up to the 3 go line.
Add granule consomme and cook with regular rice to complete.
・ For onions, we recommend new onions with a strong sweetness.
・ Even ordinary onions can be cooked.
・ If you are concerned about the lye of the broth, strain it before eating.
・ It is also recommended to sprinkle dried parsley or coarsely ground black pepper.
・ Recommended even if you use spring cabbage.
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