Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
いちごのタルト|Les sens cielさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Medium-strength flour : 160g
- 粉糖 : 80g
- アーモンドパウダー : 15g
- ベーキングパウダー : 1.5g
- 無塩バター : 70g
- 有塩バター : 60g
- 卵黄 : 1 piece
- (A)卵黄 : 2 pieces
- (A)グラニュー糖 : 30g
- いちごピューレ : 110g
- 薄力粉 : 12g
- (B)生クリーム(35%) : 150g
- (B)グラニュー糖 : 15g
- いちご : 適量
Time required
Make dough
Add medium-strength flour, powdered sugar and almond powder to the mixer and mix.
Add unsalted butter and salted butter and mix.
Finally add egg yolk and mix.
Once mixed, remove from the mixer, knead the whole by hand to flatten it, and wrap it in plastic wrap. -
Make cream
Put (A) in a bowl and mix.
Add strawberry puree lightly boiled over low heat and mix.
Finally, mix the shaken cake flour.
After mixing, strain with a colander and heat over low heat.
When it becomes creamy, turn off the heat, transfer to a bowl to remove the heat, wrap and cool in the refrigerator. -
Bake the dough
Stretch 1 to make it 8mm thick.
Mold into a circle, lay on the bottom of the mold and bake in an oven at 150 degrees for 45 minutes.
After baking, remove the heat, remove from the mold and let it cool. -
Stir (B) to make whipped cream.
Put the cream of 2 in a bowl, spread it with a spatula, add 50 g of whipped cream and mix.
Squeeze the remaining whipped cream and strawberry-flavored whipped cream onto the dough and top with raw strawberry to complete.
・ For both salted and unsalted butter, use chilled butter without returning to room temperature.
・ Strawberry puree is easy to burn, so be careful not to boil it too much when you put it on the fire.
・ It is also recommended to make a small size tart with the rest of the dough and cream.
・ You may put berry fruits other than strawberries on the toppings if you like.
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