Tenu Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Chicken soup | Transcription of the recipe by cooking researcher Ryuji's Buzz Recipe
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- ごぼう : 150g
- にんじん : 100g
- 大根 : 200g
- 生姜 : 10g
- にんにく : 2片
- お好きなきのこ(舞茸・エリンギ) : 200g
- 長ねぎ : 1本
- 鰹節 : 8g
- 鶏もも肉 : 350g
- ごま油 : 大さじ1
- 塩こしょう : 適量
- 水 : 1ℓ
- (A)みりん : 大さじ3
- (A)酒 : 大さじ3
- (A)味の素 : 6振り
- (A)味噌 : 大さじ6
Time required
Cut off the tip of the burdock and slice it diagonally. Cut carrots into half-moons and radishes into ginkgo. Peel the garlic. Loosen Maitake mushrooms, divide Eringi into two equal parts, and slice. Cut the green onions into thin slices. Heat the dried bonito in the microwave. Cut chicken thighs in half and chop thinly. Grind the dried bonito flakes into powder.
Put sesame oil in a frying pan and light it. Fry the burdock on high heat and add chicken thighs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and grill. Add carrots and radishes and fry. Add Maitake mushrooms and King trumpet mushrooms, add water and seasoning (A), and boil. Boil for 20 minutes on low medium heat. Grate garlic and ginger, add green onions and simmer a little to complete.
・ Autumn chicken soup recipe with strong umami and modest salt content.
・ Ideal for accompaniment of rice.
・ Burdock may be used as a burdock.
・ Use carrots and radishes without peeling. If you are worried about it, you can peel it off.
・ Sand may be attached to the green roots of green onions, so wash them well with water.
・ You can add tofu, konjac, and potatoes if you like.
・ Do not remove the lye when boiling.
・ You may sprinkle shichimi pepper if you like.
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
ホッとケーキさん。 Time required : 15minutes
奥薗壽子の日めくりレシピ【家庭料理研究家公式チャンネル】 Time required : 20minutes
apron Time required : 5minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 5minutes
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