KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolate Time required : 60minutes
Oatmeal ball omelet rice | Oatmeal rice diet recipe for losing 40kg [Korezo]'s recipe transcription
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- oatmeal : 30g
- 水 : 50ml
- ケチャップ : 大さじ1.5
- ハム : 1パック(4枚入り)
- ミックスチーズ : 10g程度
- 卵 : 1個
- パセリ : お好みで適宜
Time required
Put oatmeal in a bowl, add m water and spread it all over, then heat in a microwave oven for 1 minute.
Add ketchup and torn ham to the rice bowl and mix.
Wrap in wrap
Spread the wrap, transfer the ingredients of 2, put the mixed cheese in the center, wrap it in the wrap and shape it into a round shape. Put it in another bowl and keep the wrap open.
Insert the egg into the empty bowl used in 2 to make a beaten egg. Add the beaten egg into the wrap of 3 and squeeze the mouth of the wrap so that the egg does not collect on the bottom.
Heat and serve
Heat each of the 4 vessels in a 500w range for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. After heating, turn it over and serve it on another plate, sprinkle with ketchup and parsley to complete.
・ Succeeded in reducing the weight by 40 kg without difficulty by replacing the staple food with oatmeal.
・ Oatmeal / solar eclipse premium pure oatmeal used this time. https://amzn.to/3HfDPOO.
・ When using quick oats in 1, if the bottom is a thin type, water will collect and it will easily form dumplings, so a flat bottom is recommended.
・ When using rolled oats in 1, leave some time for water absorption, but in the case of quick oats, you can heat it in the microwave immediately.
・ When transferring to another container in step 5, hold the end of the wrap and take it out to be careful of burns.
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Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 45minutes
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