syun cooking Time required : 35minutes
リゾット(牡蠣のリゾット)|Chef Ropia料理人の世界 さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 米 : 120g
- バター : 15g
- 粉チーズ : 20g
- 牡蠣 : 8匹
- 塩 : 適量
- Olive oil : 20g
- 白ワイン : 40㏄
- ルーコラ : 適量
- 塩胡椒 : 適量
Time required
Put oysters and salt in a bowl and mix well.
Wash lightly with water.
Add oysters and white wine to a frying pan and turn on the heat.
When it boils, reduce the heat to low, cover and heat.
When it's cooked, take it out. -
Add rice and olive oil to another frying pan and fry.
Add water and bring to a boil over low to medium heat, stirring occasionally.
Add 1 oyster juice and mix well.
Add butter and mix again.
Turn off the heat, add grated cheese and arugula and mix.
Add oysters and mix.
Arrange on a plate and drizzle with olive oil to complete.
・You can substitute mizuna or watercress for arugula.
・When frying the rice, do not mix it more than necessary.
・By coating the rice with oil first, it will be delicious.
・Add arugula at the end so that the texture remains with residual heat.
・Mix while incorporating air when finishing.
・Set aside the juice that comes out when the oysters are stir-fried.
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