Cooking classes that are in tune with the lifestyles of chef Sakura Time required : 15minutes
煮物(五目豆)|無駄なし!まかない道場(MAKANAI DOUJYOU)さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- soy : 1kg
- Shredded dashi kelp : 10g
- sliced dried shiitake mushrooms : 1 bag
- Konnyaku : 1 sheet
- Burdock : One
- carrot : One
- Lotus root : 1/2 bottle
- だし汁 : 1L
- (A)砂糖 : 90g
- (A)みりん : 225cc
- (A)醤油 : 375cc
Time required
put back soybeans
Put the soybeans in a pot, add about twice as much water as the soybeans (not listed), cover with plastic wrap, and let stand in the refrigerator for 8 to 10 hours to reconstitute.
Wash the rehydrated soybeans three times and drain the water.
Remove any missing or dark-colored soybeans. -
Prepare the ingredients
Cut the konnyaku into 1cm cubes, boil them in a pot for 10 minutes to remove the bitterness, and drain in a colander.
Wash the burdock root and cut into pieces.
Add the shredded dashi kelp, sliced dried shiitake mushrooms, burdock root, and dashi stock to the pot containing step 1.
Cut the carrot into 1cm cubes and add to the pot.
Cut the lotus root into slices, then cut into quarters and add to the pot. -
Heat 2 over high heat, and when the scum starts to appear, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 30 minutes, skimming the heat.
After removing the scum, add (A), cover, and simmer for another 30 minutes over low to medium heat.
When the stock is just enough to cover the ingredients and the soybeans are soft, it's done.
・If you let it sit for a day after it's finished, the flavor will soak in and it'll be even more delicious.
・Water and granulated dashi stock can be substituted for the dashi stock.
・Adjust the amount of broth according to the amount of soybeans. In that case, use 3 times the amount of soybeans in the stock, and use a ratio of 40:5:2:3 of stock: soy sauce: sugar: mirin.
・It is best to cut the ingredients to the same size as the soybeans.
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