kattyanneru Time required : 60minutes
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 517.0万人
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- 2,600本
- Japanese leek : 20g
- ご飯 : 200g
- キクラゲ : 2g
- にんじん : 15g
- キャベツ : 20g
- ニンニク : 10g
- 豚ひき肉 : 30g
- 生姜 : 5g
- ラード : 大さじ1
- 塩胡椒 : 適量
- (A) Water : 230cc
- (A) White miso : 大さじ2弱
- (A) Chinese soup stock : 小さじ2/3
- (A) Umami seasoning : 5振り
- (A) Sugar : 小さじ1
- (A) Ground sesame : 小さじ1
- (A) Chili pepper : 3振り
- (A) Pepper : 4振り
- (A) Garlic powder : 6振り
- (B) Weak flour : 小さじ2/3
- (B) Salad oil : 小さじ1と1/2
- ラー油 : 適量
Time required
Do the preparations
Finely chop the cabbage, carrots, and green onions.
Peel the garlic and slice it thinly.
Finely chop the ginger.
Slice the wood ear mushrooms into thin strips. -
Add lard to a frying pan.
Add the garlic and ginger and stir fry.
Add the ground pork and stir fry, sprinkling with salt and pepper.
Add cabbage, carrots, green onions, and wood ear mushrooms and stir fry.
Insert (A).
Mix in (B) and stir to thicken. -
Finishing touches
Wash the rice with water (not included in the recipe) and drain in a colander.
Add to 2 and heat.
Put into container.
Add chili oil and it's done.
・This is the amount for one person.
・The amount of wood ear mushrooms is the amount before soaking in water (not included in the recipe).
・Use wood ear mushrooms that have been soaked in water (not included in the recipe) beforehand.
・A recipe for instant cup rice.
-Add chili oil to finish as desired.
40kg Oatmeal Rice Diet Recipe [Korezo] Time required : 10minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 15minutes
Registered dietitian: Ayako Sekiguchi's wellness kitchen Time required : 60minutes
Chara Rinko Time required : 20minutes
Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 30minutes
Cooking classes that are in tune with the lifestyles of chef Sakura Time required : 20minutes
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