Shinpei Kurihara "Feast Channel" Time required : 30minutes
Meat ball | Mamanai Challenge! Transcription of Abe-san's recipe from Kawahara
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- egg : 2 pieces
- Shredded pork : 120g
- Bitter gourd : 50g
- Chinese chive mustard : Appropriate amount
Time required
Cut the ingredients
Cut the shredded pork into bite-sized pieces. Remove the seeds from bitter gourd, cut in half and slice into thin slices.
Melt the egg
Break the egg into a bowl and melt the egg.
stir fry
Warm the frying pan and add oil. Fry the eggs and put them back in the bowl when cooked. Add oil to a frying pan and fry the bitter gourd. Next, fry the shredded pork. When the pork is cooked, reduce the heat and add the leek mustard. Increase the heat and mix the eggs back.
When removing the bitter gourd cotton, it is a good idea to start with the white cotton-like part until the green color on the front becomes lighter.
Bitterness of bitter gourd is suppressed by frying in hot oil.
When frying eggs, do not overcook them and make them half-cooked.
Seasoned with leek mustard only.
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