A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 20minutes
Inari Sushi | Transcription of Ginza Watari's recipe
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- Fried tofu : 6 sheets
- It's kelp : 150cc
- (A) Mirin : 150㏄
- (A) Soy sauce : 50㏄
- (A) Sake : 50㏄
- (A) Sugar : 50㏄
- Rice : 1 go
- Vinegar (for vinegar rice) : 20g
- Sugar (for vinegared rice) : 6g
- Salt (for vinegared rice) : 2.5g
Time required
Cut the fried tofu in half, roll a pestle, etc., and open it in a bag shape. Put the fried tofu in boiling water and boil for 1-2 minutes to drain the oil. Raise it in a colander and squeeze the water.
Put seasoning (A) in kelp soup stock, add fried tofu, and simmer while returning. When it tastes boiled, leave it overnight.
Leave it overnight, lightly squeeze the flavored fried tofu and give it to a colander. Add chopped gari and sesame seeds to vinegared rice and mix to make sushi balls. Put the sushi balls in the fried tofu and roll them up on a plate.
The oil is strong and the taste does not come in as it is, so drain the oil.
Squeeze the water well so that the fried tofu can be easily tasted.
Fried fried tofu is difficult to add flavor, so season it with a strong flavor.
The ratio of seasoning is soup stock 3: mirin 3: soy sauce 1: sake 1: sugar 1.
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