Tenu Kitchen Time required : 5minutes
ダックワーズ|NekonoME Cafe【ネコノメカフェ】さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 卵白 : 100g
- グラニュー糖 : 30g
- (A)アーモンドパウダー : 50g
- (A)粉糖 : 60g
- 粉糖 : 適量
- (B)グラニュー糖 : 50g
- (B)42%生クリーム : 50g
- (B)無塩バター : 100g
Time required
Sift (A) together. Add a pinch of granulated sugar to the egg whites and mix with a whisk to smooth. Switch to a hand mixer to make meringue. Immediately add (A) and mix with a rubber spatula.
Place an oven sheet on the top plate, squeeze 1 inside the oval cercle, and smooth the dough with a bamboo skewer. Sift the powdered sugar over the die-cut dough. Bake in an oven at 180 ° C for about 15 minutes. When it is baked, remove it from the oven and let it cool.
Put fresh cream in a bowl and warm in a water bath. Put granulated sugar in a pan and heat to make caramel. Add the boiled cream little by little to the caramel pot. After adding all, rub with Ami. When it reaches about 35 ° C, scoop up unsalted butter and mix with a whisk. Once mixed, add another scoop and mix. Repeat until the unsalted butter is gone.
Squeeze 3 into 2 and sandwich with another piece of dough.
・ It is important for Dacquoise not to let the meringue separate as much as possible. If possible, keep it in the refrigerator until just before using egg white, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, or almond powder.
・ Older egg whites such as frozen ones are better.
・ Step 1 Add granulated sugar to egg whites in two portions and mix with a hand mixer each time to make a 10-minute stand meringue. The 10-minute stand is the state where the meringue is about to leave the water.
・ Process 2 Use after wetting the cercle with water. If it takes time, the condition of the dough will deteriorate, so cut it out quickly. Finally, smooth it with a pallet. Sprinkle powdered sugar on 2 laps. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the surface for a nice texture.
・ Step 3 Return the unsalted butter to room temperature. When making caramel, you can mix it with a rubber spatula on the way. Be careful of steam when adding fresh cream to caramel. At this time, be careful not to use fresh cream that has not been boiled in hot water as it will become a candy.
・ Process 4 Since the cream is left over, it is recommended to make the dough in double the amount.
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