Chef Shitara's cooking dojo Time required : 40minutes
Strawberry melon bread | Cook kafemaru's recipe transcription
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- Strong flour (for bread dough) : 150g
- 無塩バター(パン生地用) : 15g
- 牛乳(パン生地用) : 100g
- ドライイースト(パン生地用) : 3g
- 砂糖(パン生地用) : 15g
- 塩(パン生地用) : 小さじ1/2
- 無塩バター(クッキー生地用) : 35g
- グラニュー糖(クッキー生地用) : 50g
- 溶き卵(クッキー生地用) : 35g
- 薄力粉(クッキー生地用) : 115g
- ストロベリーエッセンス : 適量
- 食紅 : 適量
- グラニュー糖(飾り用) : 適量
Time required
Make cookie dough
Mix the butter, which has been returned to room temperature, with a whipper. Add granulated sugar and mix well, add little by little so as not to separate the beaten egg and mix well each time.
Color the cookie dough and divide it into equal parts
Add strawberry essence to the container that contained the beaten egg and mix well. Add food coloring to it and mix well. Add the cake flour and mix to make a lump. Divide the dough into 9 equal parts and roll to a diameter of about 10 cm.
・ The ingredients are for 9 melon breads.
・ The point is to heat the milk and butter used in 1 in a microwave oven to warm it to about one skin. Note that if it is too hot, the yeast added after this will slow down.
・ Be sure to add the salt of 1 at the end and mix.
・ After mixing the dough with chopsticks, it will be more delicious if you knead it to make the surface of the dough feel better.
・ Fermentation time is about 30 minutes at 40 degrees if the oven has a fermentation function. If you put boiling water in a coffee cup together, the dough will not dry out and fermentation will proceed faster. If there is no fermentation function, warm the oven to about 130 degrees and put it in the oven for faster fermentation.
・ Bring unsalted butter and beaten eggs for cookie dough to room temperature.
・ If you roll the dough in step 3 and wrap it in plastic wrap so that the dough does not stick to each other and put it in the refrigerator, the dough will be easier to handle.
・ When wrapping the bread dough with the cookie dough in 4, stretch the cookie dough by crushing it with the bottom of the glass to make a beautiful circle.
・ Fermentation time is not included in the required time.
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