Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 65minutes
ローストビーフ| やさいのひチャンネル Yasainohi Channelさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 牛ももかたまり肉 : 300g
- 塩 : 3g
- 黒胡椒 : 小さじ1
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1
- 醤油 : 大さじ2
- みりん : 大さじ2
- 肉汁 : 大さじ2
- おろしにんにく : 1/2
Time required
Prepare beef thighs
Wipe off the water from the beef thighs with kitchen paper and rub in salt. Wrap it and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least half a day.
Wipe off the water from the beef thighs
Wipe the beef thighs with kitchen paper again and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Heat beef thighs
Add oil to a frying pan and heat it, then add the beef thighs and heat the front for 1 minute each to remove the beef thighs.
Boil water in a pan, wrap the beef thighs in aluminum foil, and put it in a zip lock. After closing the mouth of the bag, cover the otoshi buta and the pot and let it cook for 30 minutes with residual heat.
Remove the bag from the pan and let it cool. Put the gravy in the bag in a frying pan, add mirin, soy sauce, and grated garlic to a boil, then reduce the heat and remove the lye.
Cut the roast beef into a size that is easy to eat and sprinkle with sauce to complete.
・ Rub 1% salt to the weight of beef thigh.
・ Do not bring beef thighs to room temperature, and use them as soon as they are taken out of the refrigerator.
・ Remove the air from the zip lock and close the mouth of the bag.
・ While the beef thighs are cooling, the gravy is moisturized.
・ Put the sauce in a storage container and store it in the refrigerator for more than a week.
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