Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 20minutes
Pasta (Bolognese pasta) | Transcript of Aos Trattoria's recipe
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- Minced beef : 300g
- onion : 1個
- 赤ワイン : 150ml
- ホールトマト : 1/2缶
- ローリエ : 1枚
- ローズマリー : One
- ナツメグ : 適量
- オリーブオイル : 適量
- 塩 : 適量
- こしょう : 適量
- スパゲッティ : 160g
- イタリアンパセリ : 適量
- パルミジャーノチーズ : 適量
Time required
Finely chop the onions.
Fry the onions
Warm the olive oil in a frying pan and fry until the onions are tender.
After frying, take it out to a bowl. -
Make bolognese sauce
Add salt and pepper to minced beef and bake olive oil in a hot frying pan over high heat.
Turn it over when one side is browned.
Add red wine, remove alcohol and simmer until dry.
Set the heat to medium and add the onions and fry.
Add whole tomatoes, bay leaf, rosemary and nutmeg and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, season with salt and pepper and turn off the heat.
Boil the spaghetti while boiling. -
Add spaghetti and boiled juice to the bolognese sauce and entangle.
Add salt and olive oil to adjust the taste.
Finish with Parmesan cheese and parsley.
・ Recipe for 2 to 3 people.
・ Spaghetti uses 1.9 mm.
・ The key points are how to cook the meat and how to use red wine.
・ Medium size onions are used in the video.
・ Minced beef is browned to give it a delicious taste.
・ Crush the meat after it is browned on both sides.
・ If you are concerned about meat oil, take it.
・ After adding red wine, mix to remove the flavor in the frying pan.
・ After adding whole tomatoes, add water if there is not enough water.
・ Rosemary does not have to be used.
・ Boil spaghetti 1-2 minutes shorter than the indicated time.
・ Since the amount of sauce was large in the video, I reduced it by 1/3 before mixing it with spaghetti.
・ It becomes more delicious by using high quality meat.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 30minutes
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あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 10minutes
Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 30minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
Kukipapa cooking class Time required : 30minutes
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