Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 90minutes
Grated radish | White rice.com Channel's recipe transcription
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- Radish : Appropriate amount
Time required
Peel the radish thinly.
Grate with a grater
Set the colander on the ball and grate it in a circle with a grater.
Squeeze the water
Remove the grated radish attached to the grater and squeeze the water by pressing the grated radish against the colander.
・ Of course, the deliciousness of radish is the first priority for making delicious grated radish. Unless you need spicy grated radish, use the central part (or leaf side) of the radish as much as possible.
・ It is important to squeeze the water out of grated radish. If you do not squeeze it at all, the water of the radish will make the taste of the dish lighter, and if you squeeze it too much, it will be dry and not delicious. The grated radish is moist, but when you pinch it with your fingers, the juice does not fall off.
・ Grated daikon radish will smell after a few hours, so it is better to grate it just before cooking as much as possible. Only if you are worried about the strong odor, wash it with water and then squeeze out the water.
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