40kg Oatmeal Rice Diet Recipe [Korezo] Time required : 10minutes
鍋(焦がしにんにく醤油鍋)|料理研究家リュウジのバズレシピ さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 豚バラ肉 : 200g
- 長ネギ : 1/2本
- ニラ : 1/2本
- 鰹節 : 2g
- キャベツ : 1/4玉
- にんにく : 2片
- ラード : 大さじ1
- (A)水 : 180㏄
- (A)醤油 : 大さじ2半
- (A)みりん : 大さじ2
- (A)酒 : 大さじ2
- (A)味の素 : 8振り
- 黒胡椒 : 適量
- いりごま : 適量
- ラー油 : 適量
Time required
Peel the garlic cloves, crush them and chop them coarsely.
Core the cabbage and chop it.
Slice the green onion diagonally.
Cut the chives into even lengths.
Cut the pork belly into 3 equal parts. -
put the ingredients in the pan
Put the garlic and lard in a pan and fry over low heat until the garlic is charred.
Turn off the heat, add the cabbage, green onion, (A), bonito flakes and pork belly, sprinkle with black pepper and bring to a boil. -
When step 2 boils, cover with a lid and simmer between medium and low heat for 10-20 minutes.
Add leeks, roasted sesame seeds, black pepper, and chili oil to complete.
・You can put the core of the cabbage.
・When crushing garlic, use the bottom of a frying pan or pot for easy crushing.
・Cook on low heat as the earthenware pot will crack if it is used on high heat.
・You can use oil or beef tallow instead of lard.
・If you use lard, you will get richness.
・It is best to char the garlic until it becomes a deep brown color.
・It's delicious even if you change the taste by adding shichimi.
・ Noodles go well with 〆.
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