あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 10minutes
鍋(トマト鍋)|George ジョージさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- tomato : 2 pieces
- 鶏もも肉 : 1枚
- しいたけ : 4個
- 長ねぎ : 1本
- にんにく : 2片
- 水 : 300ml
- 顆粒チキンブイヨン : 1袋
- 鷹の爪 : 2本
- 白菜 : 1/4個
- 塩 : 適量
Time required
make preparations
Remove the stems from the tomatoes and cut them in half crosswise.
Sprinkle salt on the sides of the tomatoes.
Remove the sinew, cartilage, and excess fat from the chicken thighs.
Sprinkle salt on both sides of the chicken thighs.
Remove the stems from the shiitake mushrooms and cut them into 1cm wide pieces.
Cut the green onions into 3-4cm lengths. -
make soup
Add water, chicken broth, and sliced garlic to a frying pan and heat.
When the soup comes to a boil, add the tomatoes from step 1, side down.
Cover and boil for 1 to 2 minutes, then flip the tomatoes.
Using a spoon, lightly crush the tomatoes.
Add the hawk claws. -
bake ingredients
Heat olive oil in another frying pan.
Add the chicken thighs from step 1, skin side up, and fry.
When the skin is browned, take it out.
Add the green onions to the frying pan and sprinkle with salt.
Add olive oil and remove when browned on both sides.
Add the shiitake mushrooms to the frying pan and sprinkle with salt.
When the shiitake mushrooms are cooked, remove them. -
Add a small amount of water (not listed) to the frying pan from Step 3.
While bringing to a boil, use a spatula to scrape off the flavor and aroma stuck to the frying pan and add to the soup in step 2.
Cut the chicken thighs from Step 3 into bite-sized pieces.
Cut the Chinese cabbage into small pieces.
Add the chicken thighs, Chinese cabbage, and vegetables from step 2 to step 2, simmer for 10 to 30 minutes, and it's done.
・Sprinkling salt on tomatoes brings out the flavor of the tomatoes.
・It is best to remove excess fat from chicken thighs as it causes a bad smell.
・Chicken bouillon can also be made with chicken stock.
・Do not wash the frying pan you used to fry the chicken thighs, but fry the green onions and shiitake mushrooms.
・Put the Chinese cabbage into the pot, starting with the hard core part.
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