A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 5minutes
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- Rice : 1 go
- ブロッコリー : 1株
- タマネギ : 1/4個
- ニンニク : 1片
- アンチョビ : 4枚
- 固形ブイヨン : 1/2個
- 湯 : 600ml
- 白ワイン : 50ml
- ローリエ : 1枚
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1
- 無塩バター : 10g
- パルミジャーノチーズ : 30g
- 塩 : 適量
- コショウ : 適量
Time required
Cut vegetables
Cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces and heat in a 600W microwave oven for 3 minutes. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
Put the solid bouillon in 600 ml of hot water in a pan and dissolve the bouillon. Put it on low heat so that it doesn't get cold.
Once the rice is coated with olive oil, add white wine and fry on medium heat until the alcohol flies. Add bouillon (about 400 ml) to the extent that rice can be used and boil over high heat. When it boils, reduce the heat to medium to low, add bay leaf and simmer for 15 minutes with occasional mixing so that the bottom does not burn. If you run out of water, add bouillon and simmer. Crush the softened broccoli with a wooden spatula.
Turn off the heat and season with butter, Parmigiano cheese and salt. Serve in a bowl and sprinkle with Parmigiano cheese, pepper and olive oil to finish.
・ Ingredients are for 2 to 3 people.
・ Since rice absorbs water, fry it without washing it.
・ The point is to keep the bouillon warm by heating it in parallel so that the bouillon does not cool down while the ingredients are being fried.
・ For bouillon, use solid bouillon in half the normal amount so that the taste does not become strong, and dilute it with 2 to 3 times the prescribed amount of hot water.
・ Be careful not to burn the onions and garlic when frying.
・ When adding rice in step 3, I want to coat the rice with oil, so if there is little olive oil, add it.
・ After adding wine in step 4, remove the alcohol so that the smell of wine does not remain.
・ If you add bouillon, be careful not to mix the rice too much. If you mix too much, it will become sticky and the finish will change.
・ If you run out of bouillon while adding bouillon, use hot water instead.
・ Add butter and Parmigiano cheese to finish and mix well. By including air in the rice, the finish will be light.
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